Thursday, January 31, 2013

boleh ke bawak botol susu dlm flight

boleh ke bawak botol susu dlm flite.sure ramai yg tertanya2.mula2 tu ramai ckp x aku rasa mcm boleh.sbb aku selalu gak seludup air mineral botol kecik tu.x pernah lak kena tahan.kui kui.sbb kadang2 flight ape2 hal aku mesti spare 1 botol mineral kalo mineral lepas x kan susu x nk gak confirmation.kang x lepas mau melalak anak aku nt.ade yg ckp just letak powder milk.naik flight bancuh.eii malas la plak.bancuh siap2 kan senang.nk breasfeed macam x koserla plak.

so tanya eliza dia ckp boleh.yeayyy.sker2.sbb org lain semua ckp x boleh.

click AA website.

jumpe yg boleh chat nila jawapan si staff yg cantik molek.

Please be informed that you are only permitted to bring sufficient amount for the duration of the journey. Please take note of the restrictions imposed on liquids, gels and aerosols by the airport authorities.
Kindly be advised that AirAsia has no restrictions on handcarry of expressed breast milk, however different airports have different levels security screening and it will be solely up to the security officer to allow or restrict. it would be advisable to express breast milk inside the departure lounge.


~zack~ said...

seingat saya masa keja airlines dulu, tuk domestic flight dia xbyk restriction sgt so blh bwk susu tuk anak tpi tuk international flight dia restric ckit..mmg xleh bwk air dlm flight...

Mrs.Izi said...

zack:kawan akak ckp time nk scan tu kena inform.boleh ade quantity yg dia benarkan.x leh byk2la.